"Robot Suit HAL" is a cyborg-type robot that can expand and improve physical capability.
When a person attempts to move, nerve signals are sent from the brain to the muscles via motoneuron, moving the musculoskeletal system as a consequence.
Nothing gets my diodes hot faster than when 50 cent words are being dropped in the first two sentences of describing your new robot suit. The guys who invented HAL - or Hybrid Assistive Limb can have my firstborn (and then augment his tiny body with super human robotic powers!). Whilst the suit is more Mork from Ork than Ripley's forklifty outfit from Aliens 2, it does the job.
Unfortunately you can't wear it outside yet, but that tricksy pickle jar is a goner. It can be yours for the grand sum of $4,200 US clams.
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